God instituted the Sabbath during the light of Creation week. The Sabbath is the Fourth Commandment of God. The Ten Commandments is the law of God. Disobedience to God's law is rebellion against our Creator who made the universe and everything in it.

The Catholic Church instituted Sunday observance during the Dark Ages. It has no foundation in the Bible. It is the mark of Papal Rome. It is the mark of popery, that beast power that thought "to change times and laws" [Daniel 7:25]. Worship the Creator through a personal relationship with Christ. Keep the seventh-day Sabbath not Sun-day observance. Laudato Si' honors Sunday observance with nature worship and spiritualism.

A devastating earthquake is coming to California! God is about to pour out His judgments on this world through natural disasters. These calamities have less to do with climate change, but rather the sins of people that have turned their back on God by rejecting His Moral Law - The Ten Commandments. Terror will come upon America.

This world has placed the laws of men above the law of God. United States lawmakers and ministers of all denominations support directly by their actions or indirectly through their indifference the sin of same-sex unions. True to a Jesuit, pope Francis appears neither for nor against it. God will soon pour out the seven last plagues upon this sinful world.

Yet we have a strong hope in Jesus! When we turn to Christ, our prayers are heard. Jesus will save us if we are willing to take our stand for the truth of God's Word.

Give Jesus everything or give Him nothing! Take your stand for the Ten Commandments of God and be counted faithful!

In Quick Succession - Fire, Flood, Earthquake with War and Bloodshed!

Last Updated: 01-05-2022

"More and more, as the days go by, it is becoming apparent that God's judgments are in the world. In fire and flood and earthquake, He is warning the inhabitants of this earth of His near approach. The time is nearing when the great crisis in the history of the world will have come, when every movement in the government of God will be watched with intense interest and inexpressible apprehension. In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another - fire and flood and earthquake, with war and bloodshed" 9T 97.1

"In quick succession, the next great event is a devastating earthquake on a scale similar to the Great Lisbon Earthquake of November 1, 1755. California will suffer. Millions will die. If men will not respond to God's mercy, men will respond to God's judgments."

Historic catastrophic fires and historic catastrophic floods follow a continuous cycle. In quick succession, the next great event is a devastating earthquake on a scale similar to the Great Lisbon Earthquake of November 1, 1755. California will suffer. Millions will die. If men will not respond to God's mercy, men will respond to God's judgments. This catastrophic earthquake will impel people back to God and church on Sunday. Religious leaders will promote the need to make Sunday observance mandatory to stop natural calamities and return to material prosperity. But Sunday observance is not found in the Bible. As found in the fourth commandment of God, the Bible commands that we worship the Creator on the seventh-day Sabbath. Enforcement of Sunday observance brings increased calamities and a time of trouble for commandment keepers who acknowledge only the Bible as their authority.

The San Francisco Business Times reports, "...California floods could trigger earthquakes."

"Extreme amounts of rain caused by back-to-back storms systems in the state could create enough pressure in the groundwater system to trigger earthquakes along California's faults, a new report says." 2

Just as shaking a person awakens them from sleep, God is about to shake this earth with His mighty hand to awaken us from the sleep of carnal security.

More earthquakes will follow. Jesus says, "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences" Luke 21:11.

The Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 fulfilled the words of Jesus, "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places." This earthquake that devastated Spain crushed Lisbon, Portugal's capital and largest city. In 1755, Lisbon was "one of the biggest ports on the Atlantic Ocean, the city played a critical role in world trade" (History.com, Earthquake takes heavy toll on Lisbon). In addition, Lisbon was known to have a homosexual subculture.

Rictor Norton in his essay, "From Twickenham to Turkey: Eighteenth-Century Gay Subcultures in Europe, America and Australia" shares the following:

"There is also evidence of a homosexual subculture in Lisbon and elsewhere in Portugal in the mid-seventeenth century. Effeminate homosexuals (fanchons) met together in rooming houses, danced together wearing female clothes in the streets, and used female nicknames or men's names modified by feminine diminutives... In the more organized subculture of Lisbon, sodomites patronized certain inns and met one another in private homes, as well as used a widespread street culture of male prostitution... Many of the sodomites were married, but nevertheless recognized themselves as part of a group who shared homosexual tastes. Many were also exclusively male-oriented." 3

Today some of the busiest trading ports use the Pacific Ocean. The largest and richest trading ports from Asia Pacific to American ports, located in Los Angeles and San Francisco California, play a critical role in world trade. Similar like the sodomites of Lisbon, San Francisco is the LGBTQ+ capital of the world and the Los Angeles area is the pornographic film capital of the world.

The judgments of God are about to fall on these two great cities and others. Just as the Great Lisbon Earthquake stirred discussions on theodicy—this Great California Earthquake will stir the moral apathy of Americans. This leads to a great push toward morality and attending church on Sunday, the mark of the beast.

"Just before the earthquake was in San Francisco all night, I was seeing such devastation, just as though I was in the midst of it, and the judgment day seemed to come... Now, I tell you this because I know that earthquakes are coming. I know they are coming right upon Los Angeles and other places" MS 188, 1907. 4

"This is that of which Christ warned His disciples when He said that before His coming there would be earthquakes in divers places... I feel sure that San Francisco and Oakland will again be visited with the judgments of God" LT 2, 1909. 5

When Christ laid down His life and died, an earthquake marked the event [Matthew 27:51]. When Christ took up His life and rose in power, again an earthquake marked the event [Matthew 28:2].

As with Christ, so it goes with antichrist. An earthquake marked the demise of the papacy. An earthquake will mark the rise of the papacy's power before its final overthrow.

The Great Lisbon Earthquake on November 1, 1755 foreshadowed the "deadly wound" of the Papacy. The Catholic Church lost vitality and supremacy over Europe about 40 years later during the French Revolution when a shift occurred in religious and political thought during the "Age of Enlightenment." The earthshaking moral fall of France around the time of the French Revolution coincided with the fall of the Catholic Church. The dominating influence of the Catholic Church in the Old World ended in 1798 when the pope of Rome was taken captive during this political revolution.

Revelation 11:13 KJV

v.13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

"If there was one single event that fueled the new religious and philosophical ideas during the Age of Enlightenment and that challenged the Catholic Church leading to the overthrow of the pope during the French Revolution, it was the Great Lisbon Earthquake of November 1, 1755. The question was then asked, 'was this great earthquake a judgment from God or should it be explained by natural science?' At that time, science began to triumph over the delusive myths and fears that dominated the Dark Ages. Science eventually overturned the superstitions and traditions of the Catholic Church."

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, following the Protestant Reformation, philosophical ideas emerged in Western Europe challenging tradition and faith. This lead to the Age of Enlightenment accompanied by a Scientific Revolution that undermined the authority of the monarchy and the Catholic Church. This paved the way for political revolutions and in particular, the French Revolution. The ideas of the Enlightenment played a dominant role in inspiring the French Revolution and the overthrow of the pope of Rome. King Louis XVI was executed and Pope Pius VII was removed from the Vatican, taken captive and died in exile. If there was one single event that fueled the new religious and philosophical ideas during the Age of Enlightenment and that challenged the Catholic Church leading to the overthrow of the pope during the French Revolution, it was the Great Lisbon Earthquake of November 1, 1755. The question was then asked, 'was this great earthquake a judgment from God or should it be explained by natural science?' At that time, science began to triumph over the delusive myths and fears that dominated the Dark Ages. Science eventually overturned the superstitions and traditions of the Catholic Church.

But a great reversal is coming! When science no longer satisfies the desire of those who seek relief from earthquakes, pestilences, and natural calamities, religion will once again gain the ascendency! In the near future, a Great California Earthquake will coincide with the meteoric rise of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will return as an ecclesiastical power through the support of the United States of America [Revelation 11:13].

Let's trace Bible prophecy to understand the judgments of God upon nations because of sin and disobedience.

A "trumpet" in the Bible represents a call to war as a judgment or to some important event.

In the book of Revelation, we read about seven trumpets.

In the first four trumpets, Bible prophecy records the rise of barbarian tribes that overthrew the Western Roman Empire [Revelation 8]. Within the last three trumpets are three woes. Prophecy delineates the first woe within the fifth trumpet. It was the rise of Islam ("out of the bottomless pit") that terrorized and overthrew the Eastern Roman Empire and established a false religion that attempted to remove the divinity of Jesus as the Son of God and established the false prophet Mohammed [Revelation 9].

Within the sixth trumpet is the second woe. History reveals the continuation of the second woe by recording the events of France during the French Revolution. During this Age of Enlightenment, religion was cast aside. France by the decree of her Legislative Assembly pronounced that there was no God. By national decree, France defied God by declaring national support for atheism ("out of the bottomless pit") and immorality [Revelation 11]. France changed their laws affecting religion and marriage. "Intimately connected with these laws affecting religion, was that which reduced the union of marriage—the most sacred engagement which human beings can form, and the permanence of which leads most strongly to the consolidation of society—to the state of a mere civil contract of a transitory character, which any two persons might engage in and cast loose at pleasure.... If fiends had set themselves to work to discover a mode of most effectually destroying whatever is venerable, graceful, or permanent in domestic life, and of obtaining at the same time an assurance that the mischief which it was their object to create should be perpetuated from one generation to another, they could not have invented a more effectual plan than the degradation of marriage."—Scott, vol. 1, ch. 17.

The Roman Empire, both pagan and papal, and Catholic France exhibited some of the worst hostilities against Christians in the Old World. Therefore, Pagan Rome suffered and fell at the hands of barbarian tribes and Islam. Papal Rome (Catholicism) and Catholic France suffered during the the French Revolution. "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword" [Revelation 13:10]. They suffered the judgments of God.

During the French Revolution, France experienced a great moral fall. Formerly a tenth-part of the Western Roman Empire, France withdrew support from the Papacy in 1798 when the pope of Rome was taken captive by Napoleon. This event gave the Papacy it's "deadly wound" [Revelation 13:3]. The 1,260 years of papal supremacy that went into effect in 538 by an edict of Emperor Justinian making the Bishop of Rome the head of the Christian church and the corrector of heretics came to an end in 1798, exactly 1,260 years later as prophesied [Daniel 7:25; Revelation 11:3; 12:6; 12:14; 13:5].

The intense moral depravity of France in 1798 coincided with the fall of the Papacy. The intense moral depravity of America will coincide with the rise of the Papacy.

France, once one of the greatest defenders of popery, became one of its greatest opponents during the events of the French Revolution. America, once one of the greatest opposers of popery during colonial times, will become one of its greatest advocates when a great earthquake strikes California.

In Joshua chapter six, we read about seven trumpets and the fall of Jericho as a judgment from God. It occurred toward the last part of the journey of God's people from Egypt to the Promised Land. It illustrates the end of our journey from earth to that Heavenly Land and the judgments of God that occur before reaching our heavenly home.

In the story of Jericho, the trumpets sounded the first six days as the Israelites circled once each day. No words were spoken. The silence foretold the judgments of God that were about to fall on Jericho and other surrounding nations. On the seventh day, all six trumpets sounded again as the Israelites circled six times. Then on the seventh day, on the seventh revolution, the last trump sounded and there was a great shout of victory. On that seventh day, on the last trump, Jericho fell and Israel took the city. The earth shook and those massive walls of Jericho fell.

In Revelation, Babylon is modern Jericho. In Revelation chapter eight under the first four trumpets, the "barbarian tribes" that sacked the Western Roman Empire were judgments from God on an empire that had persecuted and killed God's people. The "barbarian tribes" represent in our day "terrorism." Islam, in Revelation chapter nine under the fifth and sixth trumpets, represents today radical Islamic militants. Continuing under the sixth trumpet, France in Revelation chapter eleven now represents America. These six trumpets are now sounding again under the seventh trumpet. Soon, Papal Rome (the Catholic Church or Apocalyptic Babylon) will rise again to eminence, but like Jericho she will fall never to rise again. As the "great whore" of [Revelation 17:1] that "sitteth upon many waters" ("peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues") [Revelation 17:15], "in one hour is she made desolate" [Revelation 18:19].

The seventh "Trump" has not finished sounding.

The culmination of the third woe is coming!

Again, the earth shakes. In various cities around the world, the monuments of man's greatness will be crumbled in the dust. These earthquakes will not cease until the last great earthquake occurs and God says, "It is done."

Revelation 12:12 KJV

v.12 Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

During the overthrow of the Roman Empire, the first woe attempted to remove the divine existence of Christ as the Son of God through the false religion of Islam. During the time of the French Revolution, the second woe attempted to remove the existence of God through the false concept of atheism. During the last crisis of Sunday exaltation, a tradition of the Catholic Church, the third woe will attempt to remove God's personal nature and His law by promoting pantheism to reverse climate change. Using mystical spiritual formation (a form of mind control developed by Ignatius Loyola founder of the Jesuit Order), the Catholic Church unifies global religious thought behind spiritualism—"the dead are living." Spiritualism is the power of Satan not the power of God.

The climatic fulfillment of prophecy and the end of earth's history is at hand. The seventh trumpet is sounding and soon the last trumpet will sound. Christ will return for His people [1 Thessalonians 4:16]. The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever. The purposes of God know neither haste nor delay. Men may claim there will be a time of universal peace, but the Bible declares "a time of trouble such as never was" [Daniel 12:1]. When religious and political leaders declare "peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them... and they shall not escape" [1 Thessalonians 5:3].

As in the past so in the future, during this Age of Enlightenment with its great progress in liberty, toleration, constitutional government, and science—regrettably, God's great moral law the Ten Commandments is tossed aside. Sin and transgression abound. Therefore, a Great California Earthquake, as a judgment from God, will coincide with the meteoric rise of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church will return as a global power through the support of the United States of America promising a return to morality while at the same time breaking God's holy commandments through her traditions and fables.

And as the world descends into totalitarianism, Papal Rome, as the beast power of Apocalyptic Babylon that enriches herself through the "merchants of the earth" (wealthy capitalists) and power through the "kings of the earth" (government leaders), will plunge the great masses into a state of menticide to awaken only by the outpouring of the seven last plagues of God [Revelation 16, 17, 18]. For "all the world wondered after the beast" (the Papacy) who forbids men to "buy or sell" except they have his mark (Sunday allegiance) [Revelation 13:3, 17]. This is not a mass formation of an illusionary threat to our civilization. Papal totalitarianism is real. The judgments of God are real. Disease and natural calamities will intensify. As disease and suffering circulate, evil men seize control of human minds through fear and panic while the heart of men fail them as they look "after those things which are coming on the earth" [Luke 17:26]. Genius and the collective reasoning of science will not solve the crisis. In desperation, people will turn to their religious leaders only to be deceived. Papal Rome will take the lead in this global deception. Satan is the mastermind and religious leaders that have not yielded their hearts to God he uses as his instruments of tyranny. Only those who place their faith and trust in God through an intelligent understanding of Bible scripture will escape their mind control.

Indeed, America will heal the "deadly wound" [Revelation 13:12] of the papacy by returning it to world dominance. Political unions between Roman Catholic emperors and the Papacy gave the Catholic Church ecclesiastical power over Europe during the Dark Ages. So during this Age of Enlightenment, the United States of America and Evangelical churches of America will give political power to the Catholic Church. When natural calamities, pestilences, and earthquakes begin a spiral of death on human lives in the United States, citizens in America will turn from politicians and scientists to religious leaders for answers. As "the winds of the earth" [Revelation 7] begin to intensify, there will be a great back to God movement in America to solicit God's mercy from natural disasters, disease and political strife. In this movement, Evangelicals of America will join hands with political leaders and together join hands with Popery returning the Catholic Church to world dominion. Sunday will be established as the day to seek God's mercy in defiance of Sabbath obedience, the Fourth Commandment of God.

Today, America stands as the counterpart of France during 1793. History is repeating. From a moral standpoint, America has fallen to its lowest point. By endorsing same-sex marriage through The Supreme Court, America endorses immorality and with the spirit of atheism virtually says as did Pharaoh, king of Egypt, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice?..." [Exodus 5:2]. Sadly, America will seek to lift herself from her moral degradation through religious intolerance. America will restrict religious liberty by holding hands with Evangelical Protestant churches and together reestablish the tyranny of Roman Catholicism. Yet, God's "two witnesses" (Old and New Testament) will speak again! God's people will not accept tradition over a clear "Thus saith the Lord." God's people will not accept Sunday tradition over Sabbath obedience.

Today science and scientific reasoning dominates our country and the world. Morality is no longer based on the word of God, but on the intellectual and philosophical reasoning of men. That's why America has legally endorsed same-sex unions. That's why men no longer look to the power of God and the natural remedies that God gives to cure disease, but instead look for healing through toxic vaccinations and bio-engineering. Medicine has its place. But as a rule, drugs do not cure disease. Pharmaceuticals can change the location and form of illnesses. There are side effects, some serious, that may not be initially obvious, but that certainly trace back to pharmakeia.

Revelation 11:13 KJV

v.13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

A great earthquake will strike California. God allows this earthquake to strike San Francisco, Los Angeles and surrounding area because of its central role in defying God through LGBTQ+ support and immorality. A "tenth part" of the people of California will die. Based on the current population of California, approximately 4 million people will lose their lives in this horrific event. "Seven thousand" is a complete number [1 Kings 20:15] and denotes the unrighteous who suffer as a judgment from God. "The remnant" afraid and panic stricken will give "glory to the God of heaven." After this great earthquake, the loud cry of the third angel sounds, "Babylon the great is fallen.... Come out of her, my people" [Revelation 18:2-4]. The last movements will be rapid ones.

"In the future, cities will certainly feel the terrible results of earthquakes and fires.... Out of the cities, is my message at this time. Be assured that the call is for our people to locate miles away from the large cities. One look at San Francisco as it is today would speak to your intelligent minds, showing you the necessity of getting out of the cities.... Let all who would understand the meaning of these things [The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906] read the eleventh chapter of Revelation. Read every verse, and learn the things that are yet to take place in the cities. Read also the scenes portrayed in the eighteenth chapter of the same book" LT 158, 1906. 6

The words below were penned less than three months after The Great San Francisco Earthquake of April, 18, 1906.

"The time is nearing when the great crisis in the history of the world will have come, when every movement in the government of God will be watched with intense interest and inexpressible apprehension. In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another, - fire and flood and earthquakes, with war and bloodshed. Something great and decisive will soon of necessity take place" RH July 5, 1906.7

Again, these words were repeated in 1909.

"The most awful destructions, by fire and flood, are following one another in quick succession. The terrible disasters that are taking place from week to week speak to us in earnest tones of warning, declaring that the end is near, that something great and decisive will soon of necessity take place."

"Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. We who know the truth should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise."

"Probationary time will not continue much longer. Now God is withdrawing his restraining hand from the earth. Long has he been speaking to men and women through the agency of his Holy Spirit; but they have not heeded the call. Now he is speaking to his people, and to the world, by his judgments. The time of these judgments is a time of mercy for those who have not yet had opportunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord look upon them. His heart of mercy is touched; his hand is still stretched out to save" The Watchmen, December 1, 1909.8

What causes a merciful God to send judgments? We have turned our back on God as our Creator. We follow religious traditions rather than the teachings of the Bible. We obey the words of religious leaders and men like pope Francis rather than obey the words of Christ. Hypocrisy has become an art form. Mainline Protestant churches and pope Francis accept the sins of the LGBTQ+ community.

Will America lessen the guilt of the LGBTQ+ community and place the blame of natural calamities on those who refuse Sunday observance? While calling for better moral living, yet deflecting the issue away from the moral failure of our country that supports LGBTQ+, will the United States of America persecute Sabbath keepers who keep holy the seventh-day Sabbath and refuse Sunday observance?

America will sideline the issue of same-sex unions. And just as the religious leaders in Christ's day accepted a murderer and robber calling for the death of Christ—so religious leaders in America will minimize the immorality of same-sex unions and call for the death of those who keep the commandments of God and worship on the seventh-day Sabbath.

Lawmakers will lessen the law of God to promote Sunday observance over Sabbath keeping; they will continue to lessen the sin of same-sex unions rather than stand unflinchingly for Biblical marriage. Pretending to stand for the sanctity of marriage and moral living, religious leaders will nevertheless support inclusiveness of the LGBTQ+ community. To truly stand for Biblical marriage, Americans must call same-sex unions an abomination, sinful and a disgrace in the sight of God. We must reverse the same-sex union law in our land. Religious leaders, including pope Francis, will advocate for marriage between a man and woman and other moral reforms while deceitfully patronizing the LGBTQ+ community by remaining mute regarding their sinful lifestyle. God calls these leaders hypocrites. True love for God does not patronize sin or sinful lifestyles by remaining silent. God loves all people, but hates sin. The LGBTQ+ lifestyle is sin—even when celibate. That's Bible truth!
